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Zuni Indian Fetishes

The Zuni have the reputation for being the most skillful at carving fetishes.

Meanings Of Zuni Indian Fetishes The Zuni Universe is divided into six directions-North, East, South, West, Sky & Underground & each direction is represented by a specific animal- The Mountain Lion guards the north, the Bear guards the west, the Badger guards the south, the Eagle guards the sky, the Wolf guards the east & the Mole guards the inner Earth.

by Donna Bunnell • May 20, 2019

Zuni Indian Horse Fetish
Zuni Indian Horse Fetish

Zuni Indian Fetishes

The Zuni have the reputation for being the most skillful at carving fetishes. Over 9,000 Zuni (who call themselves the Ashiwi) live on their reservation in western New Mexico. A Pueblo people, they speak a language unrelated to any other in the greater Southwest. The animal carvings we call fetishes are one element of a complex, interconnected religion. Fetishes are made from a variety of materials but their purpose remains the same: to assist man, that most vulnerable of all living creatures, in meeting the problems that face him during his life. Each fetish contains a living power, which, if treated properly and with veneration, will give its help to its owner. A fetish may be owned by an individual, clan, or religious society, or it may be regarded as the property of the entire tribe and its care entrusted to a responsible member of the group. Because the power of a fetish is regarded as a living thing it must be carefully tendered and ceremonially fed, usually with cornmeal.

Meanings Of Zuni Indian Fetishes

The Zuni Universe is divided into six directions-North, East, South, West, Sky & Underground & each direction is represented by a specific animal- The Mountain Lion guards the north, the Bear guards the west, the Badger guards the south, the Eagle guards the sky, the Wolf guards the east & the Mole guards the inner Earth.

ARMADILLO Slow, sure, in no hurry. Gets things right. Keeper of the home. 

BADGER - Boldness, perseverance, individuality. SOUTH

BEAR - Strength, introspection, power of the soul. Lightens emotional burdens. WEST

BEAVER - Builder. Strong sense of family and home. Keeper of the waterways. 

BUFFALO - Endurance to overcome. Great emotional courage. Provider of all. 

COYOTE – Trickster. Associated with laughter, humor. Works well in a group. 

DOLPHIN - Trust, loyalty. Spirit of friendship. 

EAGLE – Creator, teacher. Loyalty, great integrity. Spirit connection to the Divine. SKY

FISH - Purifier. Character. Ability to hide emotions. 

FOX,- Camouflage, protection. Ingenuity, quickness, great passion. 

DEER - Great power of gentleness 

FROG - Rainmaker. Silently warns of danger. Associated with abundance. 

HORNED TOAD - Self-reliance, longevity. Protects ancestral bounty.

HORSE Swiftness, strength, enlightenment. Possesses healing powers. 

MOLE - Amplifies connection with the earth. Protects the fields. UNDERGROUND

MOUNTAIN LION - Leadership, resourcefulness. Great courage, high standards. NORTH

OWL - Wisdom, patience, mental endurance. Controls dark side of nature. Keeper of the night

RABBIT- Virtue, serenity, low curiosity. Quiet talent, restrained passion. 

RAM - Sense of self-worth. Assures power in numbers. 

SHEEP - Charity, elegance, passion. Best at the arts. Talents bring riches. 

SNAKE - Transmutaion. Life, death, rebirth. 

SQUIRREL - Natural intelligence. Saver. Protects reserves

TURTLE - Longevity, fertility. Symbol of Mother Earth, home and reliability. 

WOLF- Teacher, family oriented, warm. Deeply spirtual. Pathfinder of journey of survival. 

The Fetishes from the Zuni Indian fetish carvers are fun and exciting to collect. These Hand Carved Indian Fetishes are one of a kind Native American Southwestern Art Masterpieces.

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